Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy new year!

Im off to Bålsta! Baibai!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

(iPhone quality, haters are welcome!)
"Winter" riding today with some friends in Stockholm.
It was 11+ today, last year by now we had atleast 1m snow.

Yea, gray xmas, so what. We can ride street in mid winter w/o gloves and jackets. That's just awesome!

Didn't really shredd, but I havn't been riding for so long it hurts everywhere now. Bah.
I really need to get back on the bike(s). Getting tierd really fast and can't even thow off a smith grind anymore.
Too much c0mputurdz fer meh! Hurr durr!

Less blogging, more riding.
(Yea, thats easy to say!)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

 Merry xmas! 
+5 and no snow. Derp.
This year its xmas in Bålsta with my family and my girlfriend. 
Can't really understand that its xmas alredy, thot it was october last week.

Ah well.. bike pic' of the day! Nothing special really, but i had fun riding lol!
Creds to mom for the pic', hehe! :>

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hopfully there will be some shredding after xmas with John in Stockholm or somthing.
Would be cool with some urban freeride at Söder or snow trails in the hellas forrest.

oh fuck.

I'ts xmas.. like any day now. 
Better not count the days or else i'll get even more stressed than i alredy am.

Derp. Gief summer.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Found a pic' from when i and Josefina where in Riga this summer. Quite cool place.

Soviet Russia + old town in Stockholm = Riga.

The asphalt was awesome. So was the weather and the company.

And yea, i got tons of better pictures of longboarding with Josefina and other kewl stuff.
But tonight i wanted to upload this pic' of a longboard and a broken wall.
I'll post the others later. I think.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Hurr durr.
Getting a leather bar tape and tires with yellow side walls for the racer to make it look original.
Trying to get the original seat too.

Damn blog wont arrange the pic's as i want..

Changed the tube on that ugly bmx too btw. 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Subrosa Malum
Painting the chain black and might switch wheelset for next season.

Tried to take the bmx for a ride today, but had a flat tire with a total of 8 holes(!).. wtf? Screw that.
Went to the garage in Bålsta to fix it but ended up working on my Bridgestone Diamond Road race bike.
Installed the new breaking and shifting wires and went out for the first test ride. 
They built fast bikes back in 1989. Just sayin'.

Friday, December 16, 2011

A blog? oh, that was.. unexpected.