Thursday, January 26, 2012

Focus? Not really. But i like the colors.

Hurr Derp.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Yea, I got the same wallpaper as on the blog.. Kinda like it.

I know you want to click that "chain-ring-heart".

Snow session on sunday with John. I better remember the camera so i can update this blog-thingy 
with some kewl photos instead of this shit.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Just another game huh? Well, it's so good i actually bought it.
400mb high-res texture mods and re-skins and custom FX stuff..

Ah well, just wanted kewl pic's in this post wich aint filled with hate.

So, US Department of Justice decided to close and sue them for over 500mil dollars as first move in their "anti-piracy" campain thingy (SOPA/PIPA).
Does 4chan approve? No.
Don't piss off the Anonymous from 4chan. It's bad for you.

What they expected: 

Angry tweet's and blog posts.

Being 500mil $ richer.

What they got:

Warner Music Group Status: Down, under DDoS attack.

BMI Status: Down, under DDoS attack.

US Department of Justice Status: Up, running slowly – under DDoS attack.

Universal Music Status: Down, under DDoS attack.

Recording Industry of America Status: Down, under DDoS attack.

MPAA Status: Up, running slowly – under DDoS attack.

FBI Status: Down, under DDoS attack.

And yeah, close 4chan next huh? Want to start WW3 alredy?
Silly USA. Get off the interwebz.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

My two man army in Fallout: New Vegas.

Quite fun running around in the wasteland with a silenced M14 SOPMOD.

Hopfully we still got our free internet tomorrow. 
Gonna miss 4chan, youtube, wikipedia etc. if that SOPA/PIPA passes.

‎"Hi. My name is America, but you may call me World Police. I have decided to do what ever I want with everything. I hope you're not upset about this, World."

"Well actually, you can't... "

"I'm sorry, what? I can't hear you through the sound of me not giving a fuck about you."


Friday, January 13, 2012

Im in the new Molten-WoW trailer - TWICE!
See if u can find my name in the video lol

Might sound stupid to be that happy over that, but it's the biggest and best patch 3.3.5 private server with 25k players online on the network 24/7 and over 200k active accounts..

I've been on that server for 2 years now.. addicted maybe ^_^

And people wonder why wow is so addicting? Well, duh.
In that crappy game you can be yourself, but still not letting anyone know shit about you so no one can bring you down.
Endless possibilities mixed with awesomeness.

Thats why i play so much.. I think. :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Pic from last year-ish.

Gotta check if i can build somthing up there once the snow is gone!

Monday, January 9, 2012

GT "The Scavenger" Avalaunche 3.0

Happy now John?

Posting random pic's from my "Bikes" folder from now on!
(That folder includes pretty much all sweet lookng bikes ever posted on the internet)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Dis blawg calls fer moar azum track bikes!
